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When does greenHOUSE start and how does it run?

greenHOUSE starts as soon as you’re ready to get started! You’ll receive your first action-packed email shortly after enrolling and will receive one each day for 21 days in total…. so you can start immediately if you want!

greenHOUSE sounds perfect for me but I’m worried about falling behind. How long will I have access to the course material?

Great news! There’s no such thing as falling behind in greenHOUSE. If the daily grind gets the better of you and you’re not keeping up with the material, simply save the emails and re-visit them when you have a spare ten minutes. If you set aside 5-10 minutes each day to complete greenHOUSE you’ll easily be able to implement the actions within the 21 days.


What kind of people get the best results working with you?

I find that two types of people enjoying working with me and get the best results.

Firstly, time-poor environmental professionals who crave an eco home but are not there yet love my done-for-you resources and value my education and experience. They tell me they appreciate that my ecourses save them hours of research and they know the information I dish up is researched, tried and tested.

Secondly, I get great results with motivated mums who want to reduce their household energy use but are overwhelmed with all the info out there and just want a trusted environmental professional to tell them what to do.

How do I know if I’m ready to work with you?

If you’re feeling ashamed of your high household energy use, worried about the totals of your electricity and gas bills and are ready to take action to help address climate change at a household level, then you’re ready to work with me.

What kind of results can I expect?

Individual results on the greenHOUSE program will vary depending on your baseline and many other factors, however a 20% reduction in your household energy use is definitely achievable.

How quickly can I expect results?

The beauty of greenHOUSE is that you can start to expect results from as soon as you take action. In most cases, the first electricity or gas bill you’ll receive after you complete the course will demonstrate a reduction when compared to the previous period. Even better news is that you’ll feel an instant sense of pride that you’re taking action as soon as you start the material.

But we have solar panels. Is this course still applicable to me?

greenHOUSE is all about reducing your household’s energy consumption. If you already have solar panels installed on your home, this will mean that you may be able to feed more power back into the grid, which helps others to use more renewable energy and puts extra cash in your wallet!

How is this package different from your other offers and services?

This ecourse contains my 5 step signature system to achieving an energy efficient home. It is delivered in bite-sized chunks over 28 days and is not available in any of my other packages.

If you are ready to significantly reduce your home energy consumption and do your bit for climate change, this course is for you!

How is working with you in this way different from working with my local council?

I have over 20 years of experience in the environmental field, a Master’s Degree in Environmental Chemistry, have won State awards for my environmental engineering projects and have undertaken countless Home Energy Assessments. Eco has been my life for as long as I can remember and I have a knack for breaking down complex processes and information into easy to understand, bite-sized chunks.

My education, experience and passion for the environment, and climate change in particular, shines through in greenHOUSE and by working with me in this course, you’ll be best placed to get your home energy use under control and put some cash back into your wallet.